Ensure Operations and Maintenance Comply with Legal Requirements | Training Crew |
Training Requirements
The Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 introduced new safety training requirements for crew, effective from 1 September 2006. These requirements aim to improve the skills of all crew members to assist in the safe operation of the boat. These new requirements include:
Long-term Crew
For long-term crew (employed for more than six months) - Occupational Health and Safety at Sea course, or an equivalent course, such as Elements of Shipboard Safety or a Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) course approved by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) or Small Vessel Operators Certificate (SVOC) course, is mandatory.
Short-term Crew
For short-term crew (employed for less than six months) - a safety induction course which complies with the requirements of the National Marine Safety Committee (NMSC) National Marine Guidance manual, is mandatory.
Managing Training
Training can be managed in many different ways onboard a vessel as long as the training requirements and are met and documented. Review each of the training records below for ideas on how to manage and record your crew’s training.
Training Record Examples
Download examples of Training Records below: