Access and Interpret Relevant Legislation and Codes | Notice to Mariners

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Australian Notices to Mariners

Annual Notice to Mariners (ANTM)

Is issued each January and contains general information (such as Search and Rescue arrangements, Marine Protected Areas) specific to the Australian region valid for the calendar year.


Click on the link below to access the current Annual Notice to Mariners.



QLD Notice to Mariners

Maritime Safety Queensland circulates marine safety information to mariners, organisations and other interested parties, in the form of Notices to Mariners.

Notices to Mariners advise of:

  • navigation warnings and hazards (such as aids to navigation which may have been destroyed, missing or unlit)
  • changes to the uniform buoyage system (which assists with the correction and updating of marine charts)
  • navigation depths (necessary when navigating in channels with depth restrictions)
  • any other works which may affect the safe navigation of vessels in Queensland coastal waters and ports (such as dredging operations and construction works).

Note: Information contained in the Queensland notices is regularly reproduced in the Australian notices. These notices are recognised as being an authoritative, accurate guide on marine charts.


Click on the link below to access the QLD Notice to Mariners relevent to your local area.



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